A chubby, transluscent white seacucmber on a black background. It has a row of rounded feet and a large, quiff0like projection sweeping from the top of its head down its back.

The abyssal plains at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean are home to some extraordinary animals unlike anything else in the oceans, such as this wonderful sea cucumber. 

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Deep sea mining: A necessary industry or too much risk?

Our need to transition to green technologies to curb the unfolding climate crisis has never been more pressing.

But doing so is expected to require ever greater amounts of limited resources such as cobalt and nickel, leading many to eye the vast reserves of these metals sitting at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. But scientists are warning that we simply know too little about this environment to allow for mining to commence.  

Earth’s oceans are vast. Yet despite covering more than 70% of the planet’s surface they remain some of the most under studied ecosystems.

But it’s not one homogenous environment. Just like on land, oceans are divided into different zones from teeming mangrove forests where the land meets the sea, to thronging coral reefs just off the beach, each zone is home to its own unique web of life.

A view looking across the ocean, with nothing but water and sky.

Travel far enough away from the coast and things quickly develop into the open ocean, what scientists call the ‘pelagic zone’. If we take the same size patch of ocean, then these open water regions are pretty unproductive - relatively speaking – when compared to other zones like coral reefs. But because the pelagic zone is simply so vast, collectively it actually has more primary production than any other marine habitat.

But it is what lies beneath these open waters that is of recent intense interest.

Diving 4,000 metres below the surface of the open ocean and we reach the abyssal zone. At these depths the ocean is pitch black and the water hovers just above freezing. Stretching out for thousands of kilometres in all directions are vast, muddy plains occasionally interrupted by climbing underwater mountains or huge cracks in the crust plunging ever deeper into the planet.

While these large expanses of the deep-sea abyssal floor appear uninhabited, they are actually teeming with life. A recent study found there could be up to 8,000 species living down there in the cold dark. But despite sampling going back to the 1960s, scientists have only identified around 10% of these animals – the rest are completely unknown to science. There’s a whole wealth of life we’re yet to discover here.

Dr Maria Belen Arias Mella is a Natural History Museum researcher who is studying this deep-sea life. She is involved with looking at the genetics of the animals found on the seafloor, and recently went on a scientific expedition to collect new samples of these creatures from the Pacific Ocean.

‘In terms of the diversity, as far as we know the abyssal plains have really high diversity but at low abundance,’ says Belen. ‘Almost all the animals that we pick up are different from one another.’

‘Life probably started in these sorts of regions, but to be honest we don’t know because finding so much life down there was unexpected. It is an oligotrophic [low nutrient] environment, so resources are very scarce. They don’t have food or light, so how is it so highly diverse?’

A picture of a transluscent-purple sea cucumber with two long ear-like appendages walks along the muddy seafloor.

But in some regions of the deep sea the silty bottom is strewn with what, at first glance, look like potato-sized rocks. First discovered in the nineteenth century, these strange objects are known as polymetallic nodules.

Nodules like these can be found all around the world at water depths of 3,500 to 6,500 metres, but they are more concentrated in some regions of the sea floor. One of these is a region of the Pacific Ocean known as the Clarion-Clipperton Zone (CCZ), where the nodules are so plentiful that they are basically touching each other.

A grey-ish polymetallic nodule about the size of an apple being held in the palm of a hand.

What are polymetallic nodules?

As the name suggests polymetallic nodules are made up of several different types of metals. It just so happens that the metals they contain are the same ones we need to transition to renewable energy and other green technologies: manganese, cobalt, nickel and copper.

In total, it is thought that there are up to 21 billion tons of these nodules littering the bottom of the CCZ, which could potentially provide enough raw metals needed to meet our demand for things like batteries and solar panels for over a century. And as technology has developed over the past few decades, this has made the prospect of mining the deep sea for these nodules not only more desirable but also more feasible.

These nodules form exceedingly slowly through chemical processes at the seafloor which causes the metals to precipitate out of the water around tiny objects such as shell fragments and sharks teeth. It is thought that it takes roughly a million years for these nodules to grow just tens of millimetres in size. Since the largest nodules found reach around 20 centimetres across, it suggests that these environments have been unchanged at the bottom of the oceans for tens of millions of years.

It is this extreme stability that also means these environments are extraordinarily diverse and the animals found there unimaginably long-lived.

The life at these depths is unlike anything anywhere else on this planet. There are ethereal sponges that look like little shining orbs on the end of a stick that sway gently in the current, as chubby sea cucumbers with a deep purple hue amble along the seafloor. Rising from the nodules themselves are beautifully elegant sea lilies, whilst actually within the nodules rainbow-tinged worms have set up home.

Everything from the smallest bacteria and worms, to anemones, molluscs, bryozoans, corals, crustaceans and fish can be found burrowing through the sediment, swimming through the water, and living on the nodules.

A sea lily, which has a long thin stalk that ends in a feather duster-like end, on a black background.
A gelatinous lump on the end of a stalk.

‘It is like going to another planet,’ explains Belen. ‘This is one of the most pristine areas and I am one of the first humans to see these animals.’

‘We don’t know the age of the animals in this kind of environment, but they are probably very old: we’re talking about individuals that could be 300 years old.’

This is just one of the questions that scientists are scrambling to answer, as the interest in mining these nodules has steadily grown.

What does deep sea mining involve?

The basic idea is to send tractor-sized machines down to the seabed, which would then crawl along the bottom, collecting the nodules and sending them back to the surface via a five-kilometre-long tube as they go. The fact that this is even possible is a monumental feat of engineering.

How these machines would collect the nodules is one of the issues still being debated, although most likely the machines would ‘hoover’ the nodules up from the seabed. Given the risks of disturbing and collecting sediment and the life that calls it home at the same time, others are investigating an alternative method using a special rake to sieve the nodules out.

A picture taken from 5,000 metres below the surface of a muddy floor strewn with countless nodules as far as the eye can see.

But scientists with experience of working in the area say that it would be impossible to mine without disturbing the environment and harming some life. Muriel Rabone is a researcher at the Natural History Museum who has spent the last few years trying to figure out what species have been found in the CCZ and where, exactly, they are living.

‘Having seen the nodules, it is literally impossible to pick one up without disrupting the sediment,’ says Muriel. This prompts the question of what happens to the sediment that will inevitably be picked up along with the nodules. This will have to be returned to the ocean, but where this happens – whether it is discharged back into the water column or closer to the seabed – is still being debated and we don’t yet know enough to understand the scale of the risks involved.

Many animals are also known to be directly reliant on the nodules themselves, and so the removal of nodules necessitates the destruction of their homes. ‘There is also some technology proposed using robots to identify nodules that don’t have any animals on them, to which I would say there probably isn’t a single nodule without an animal on it,' says Muriel.

'It is like trying to pick individual plants by taking off the topsoil.'

A photograph from the seabed showing a sea star on the muddy floor illuminated by a light.
A photopgraph from the seabed showing a pingpong sponge illuminated by light.

On top of this, mining the deep sea would cause other impacts, from sediment compaction due to the heavy machinery, to light and noise pollution both from ships at the surface and machines on the seafloor. The sediment surrounding the nodules is home to a vast array of life, and the disturbance of this will also impact all those animals, while the sediment discharge and noise pollution could be of concern to free-swimming animals like fish and whales.

These impacts in combination are of deep concern to many people who study the deep sea.

Who owns the seafloor?

The legalities of mining the deep sea are remarkably complex, involving a number of different UN bodies, nation states, private companies and scientific bodies. In 1970 the United Nations General Assembly agreed that the seafloor should be preserved for peaceful purposes as what was termed “Common Heritage of Humankind”, and 12 years later this was added to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

A picture takne from a a United Nations conference, with two people sat behind a desk in front of the blue and white UN logo.

‘The spirit of UNCLOS is that everyone has a stake in the seafloor’, explains Muriel. ‘It is owned by no one [person or entity], so that any benefits deriving from the seafloor and the subsoil thereof will be evenly distributed.’

‘Very strictly it is seabed, but exactly where that starts is debatable, in terms of the water column. For example, is it one metre above the seafloor or ten metres?’

The UNCLOS was a monumental agreement for humanity to reach, as it gave every single nation a duty to protect and respect the seafloor in the interest of every other person alive today and in the future. It meant that no private or public organisation could exploit any potential resources on their own, and that all nations must actively share with each other any benefits acquired.

What is the International Seabed Authority?

The Common Heritage of Humankind meant that there needed to be an independent organisation to administer and regulate the seafloor, and so in 1994 the UN created the International Seabed Authority (ISA), an intergovernmental body made up of 167 member states and the European Union. As interest in mining the deep seafloor grew, it was the ISA’s job to assess and grant licenses to mining concessions, for which companies would pay. But as the regulations to manage any mining hadn’t been formed these companies were not allowed to do any actual exploration.

There was, however, a clause built into the agreements for mining concessions. This clause allows any contractor granted a licence to announce that they want to start mining and start a countdown clock giving the ISA two years to complete the environmental regulations. If the two years passed with no such agreement made, then that contractor can, in theory, start mining regardless. In July 2021, the Pacific island state of Nauru did exactly this, triggering the countdown.

The ISA was forced to speed up negotiations on how to manage actual mining of the seafloor, from the logistics and the law, to environmental impacts, with a hard deadline to come to an agreement by July 2023. But as the deadline loomed, public attitudes shifted, talks stalled and the deadline passed without an agreement.

‘Some countries are now calling for a precautionary pause,’ says Muriel. ‘There are these train tracks towards exploitation regulations, and some countries are now asking why are we even going in this direction anyway? We are progressing towards exploitation before we know if that is worth doing or a good idea in the first place.’

A photograph from the deep sea, showing a bizarre animal made up of a long stalk topped by a white, spikey structure.

Is it now legal to mine the sea floor?

At the time of writing, the ISA has come to no such agreement and the deadline has passed. There now remains a great deal of uncertainty as to what form, exactly, any ‘benefit sharing’ of the resources will take, a key component of the Common Heritage of Humankind. Many people from Pacific nations consider the dash for mineral wealth at the bottom of the Pacific, by largely European nations, a neo-colonialist project.

To muddy the waters even further, in the weeks before the ISA deadline passed a separate UN treaty was signed, this time to protect the high seas.

The United Nations High Seas Treaty is a legally binding treaty that governs how nations exploit the water column which includes, for example, valuable fisheries. These laws cover waters from the sea surface to the seabed, yet to date there have been very few discussions as to how the High Sea Treaty will interact with any ISA regulations, even though any mining activities will likely affect the water column.

To say that all of this has put deep sea mining into something of a grey area would be a massive understatement.

‘The prevailing legal opinion is that the two-year rule is actually inconsistent with the agreed principles of UNCLOS,’ explains Muriel.

A picture taken from within a lab on a research boat. A person stands at a table holidng a large nodule, while the table in front is covered with more nodules and other pieces of scientific equipment.
A picture from within a lab on a reasearch boat, in which two people are stood side-by-side. The person on the left is holding up a vial, and both people are straining to look at what is within in. Infront of them, the table is covered with pot and  trays, on of which is a large orange starfish.

An urgent need for research

While discussions and debates continue, scientists and researchers are agreed on one thing:we simply don’t know enough about what is living in the deep sea, or how it lives and behaves, to make informed decisions. Their primary concern is that if mining were to start, we simply wouldn’t know what damage we are doing because there is no baseline to compare the results to.

The argument for exploiting the seafloor is largely one about the balance of harm. Proponents of deep-sea mining will say that the facts are that we need these metals and the damage done to the ocean floor in the process of removing the nodules is a magnitude less than what happens on land. They argue that it is better to potentially destroy parts of the abyssal plain where a few thousand species live than to bulldoze rainforests where tens of thousands of species are found.

This argument, however, is predicated on the idea that land-based mining will stop or at least be reduced if we also start mining the deep ocean. It also ignores the fact that the abyssal plains are quite possibly one of the last remaining truly pristine environments left on this planet.

‘This idea that we have to mine the sea floor, or we have to mine the rainforests, is a false dilemma. It may not look like a rainforest but the deep sea is a rich and diverse community,’ says Muriel. ‘We need to have this informed discussion backed up by data, which we can’t right now as we don’t have enough information.’

A picture from the research vessel showing a bank of 13 computer screens, each showing a different feed from a deepsea submersible.

To try and plug this gap, researchers around the world - including those at the Natural History Museum - are working to not only collect what is living there but to identify it, a process that requires incredible expertise and can take years from start to finish.

‘The work that is being done to discover species, try to identify them and create databases is essential to finally have this baseline in terms of not only knowing how diverse an area it is but also to provide information that we can then use to compare groups more broadly,’ explains Belen.

Mining could result in the destruction of a pristine ecosystem that has quietly persisted for tens of millions of years, and with it countless species and the wealth of insights they might contain.

‘We don’t know the animals that live there,’ Belen continues. ‘We know that they are very diverse and that they are very rare. Maybe they have clues about evolution, about how they cope in this kind of environment.’

‘Maybe they have proteins or a microbiome that helps them to live happily in this extreme environment. And these kinds of things can help us.’

‘For instance, an enzyme used in the PCR reaction, which is the reaction that many people know from the COVID tests, was first identified in bacteria that lives in extreme environments and deep water such as hydrothermal vents. So just this one thing changed a lot of humanity’s history.’

Without more research, such as that which Belen and Muriel are undertaking, we won't even begin to understand the mysteries of deep-sea life before its disrupted forever.

Find out more about how our scientists are helping tackle the problem of resourcing the green economy in Episode 9 of our Our Broken Planet: The podcast, available to listen now.

A picture looking out across the vast Pacific Ocean as the dun sets over the horizon. In the middle of the water is the silouette of a boat.