Ventral view of Mucrospirifer, a fossil brachiopod, showing the characteristically wing-like shell. This Devonian specimen from Ohio is 3.5cm wide.
Brachiopod hard parts have excellent preservation potential. As a result, the Museum’s Brachiopod collection has more than 300,000 specimens, including 10,000 type and figured specimens.
Uniquely, the collection includes recent (non-fossil) dry and preserved specimens in addition to fossil material.
The value of the collection is enhanced by a specialist library.
The full geological range of each subphylum of brachiopod is represented in our collection:
The collection is representative of oceanic islands and all continents including Antarctica.
The Brachiopod collection is being digitised
If you would like to use any specimens for research
We have set out on an ambitious programme to develop a new collections, science and digitisation centre. As we prepare for the move, access to some collections will be affected.
Scientists and collections management specialists can visit the collections and borrow specimens for research.
Our duty is to provide a safe and secure environment for all of our collections.