Biodiversity indicators

Please note that the Biodiversity Trends Explorer is no longer live. The BTE data was generated in 2021. Because we want to provide the latest and most accurate models available, we will be removing this page shortly. To access our latest data on the Biodiversity Intactness Index, please visit the Data Portal.

We have developed the Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII) as a tool to help track biodiversity change.

The BII supports policymakers, evidence builders, and scientific advisors in making better decisions about biodiversity using robust scientific data. This digital tool was developed by Natural History Museum scientists and makes it easy for experts to find, explore, understand, and access data on our biodiversity indicators.

By making the indicators more accessible, the BII highlights biodiversity change and the impact of the factors that drive it. This tool will enable decision-makers to preserve biodiversity better and work towards bending the curve of biodiversity loss. It will tell the story of the past and present state of biodiversity and predict the impact of future decisions.

Why are biodiversity indicators important?

Earth is changing quickly in response to human activities. Biodiversity loss is one of the clearest warning signs that we are facing a planetary emergency.

Biodiversity indicators are essential tools for understanding, monitoring and communicating biodiversity changes and tracking our progress towards UN development goals, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Biodiversity Intactness Index

One way to measure biodiversity change is using the Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII), produced by the PREDICTS team at the Natural History Museum.