LEGO® Build the Change: Save Our Planet! Workshop

A group of children posing behind their colourful LEGO creations

Event type: Workshop

Location: Investigate Centre (Red Zone)

Suitable for: Key Stage 2 (ages 7-11) and Key Stage 3 (ages 11-14)

Capacity: 35 pupils

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

Ticket prices: £3 per pupil

Booking required by phone

Pupils will use their creativity to design, build, evaluate and share a solution to a real-world sustainability challenge using LEGO® bricks in this hands-on workshop.

We face a planetary emergency. Earth is now changing fast under the influence of human behaviour and our impacts on the natural world. This workshop is designed to get pupils thinking creatively about the solutions and skills that are needed to tackle the biggest challenges of our time to prepare them for the future.

In this workshop, pupils will select a sustainability challenge to respond to, based on real-world case studies and research pioneered by Museum scientists.

They will then use their imagination to build a solution to the challenge and evaluate their creations, before joining together to iterate on their designs in a collaborative second build challenge.

They will end the session with a presentation and reflection on what they have learned, what skills they have practiced and how those will help them build the future they want to create.

This workshop has been created in partnership with The LEGO Group and LEGO Build the Change, a sustainability program all about giving children a voice and allowing them to express their hopes and ideas for a better future.

Workshop rundown

  1. Pupils discover how humans can have both negative and positive effects on nature, the importance of safeguarding nature for a sustainable future, and what their role can be in creating positive change.
  2. Pupils choose a sustainability challenge to tackle, before being immersed in a case study based on a real-world impact and research pioneered by Museum scientists.
  3. Pupils put their learnings to the test by responding to the challenge, using their creativity and building their solution out of LEGO bricks.
  4. Pupils evaluate their initial design in a short presentation section, before working together in groups to iterate on their designs on a larger-scale collaborative build challenge.
  5. Pupils present their creations to the group, recognising their achievements and how they have practiced skills that are invaluable for the green careers of the future.

KS3 classes will also:

  • Receive additional challenges to consider the needs and perspectives of different stakeholders when creating their solution.

Curriculum links

Recognising environmental change, exploring examples of human impact on environments, the interdependence of organisms and how they are affected by the environment, human and physical geography, design, evaluate, technical knowledge, citizenship.

There are also strong links to STEAM and green careers throughout the session.

Workshop suitability and capacity

This workshop is suitable for KS2 and KS3.

The maximum capacity per workshop is 35 pupils. Bookings must be for a minimum of 15 pupils.

Workshop dates and times

The workshop runs at 10.30am and 12.30pm on the weekdays shown below. The duration is 1 hour 30 minutes.

All workshops must be prebooked by phone. To explore individual timeslots for days, please view the availability calendar linked below.

Please note any session must be booked at least three weeks in advance.

To view all school sessions please open the availabilty calendar.

To confirm dates and times are available, and to make a booking, please read our essential information page, then phone the bookings team.

Build the Change is supported by the LEGO Foundation.

LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure, and the Brick and Knob configuration are trademarks and copyrights of The LEGO Group. ©2023 The LEGO Group. All rights reserved.