Activity: Hypothesis stories

This short activity quickly engages students in the process of science. They develop multiple hypotheses to explain a set of observations and figure out how to test these hypotheses.

  • Key Stage: KS3
  • Time required: 10-15 minutes
  • Resource type: classroom activity
  • Theme: Working scientifically

Learning outcomes

  • students pose multiple hypotheses to explain a set of observations
  • students suggest methods to test their hypotheses
  • students understand that scientific methods and theories developed as earlier explanations are modified to take account of new evidence and ideas

Working Scientifically Skills

Experimental skills and investigations

  • ask questions and develop a line of enquiry based on observations of the real world, alongside prior knowledge and experience
  • make predictions using scientific knowledge and understanding

Scientific attitudes

  • understand that scientific methods and theories develop as earlier explanations are modified to take account of new evidence and ideas, together with the importance of publishing results and peer review

Analysis and evaluation

  • present reasoned explanations, including explaining data in relation to predictions and hypotheses
  • identify further questions arising from their results

Third Level Scientific Skills

Inquiry and Investigative Skills:

Plans and designs scientific investigations and enquiries:

  • Demonstrates initiative and increasing independence in identifying a number of key questions and in formulating aims, predictions and hypotheses based on information, observations and knowledge.
  • Designs procedures to test a hypothesis and identifies the independent, dependent and controlled variables, with limited assistance.

Analyses, interprets and evaluates scientific findings:

  • Selects appropriate methods to record data/information and demonstrates increased precision in use of terminology, units and scales.
  • Interprets and analyses data and information to establish relationships between the independent and dependent variables and links to the original hypothesis.
  • Establishes links between the findings, aim and hypothesis.
  • Relates findings to scientific knowledge and understanding.
  • Draws a conclusion based on results gathered and in relation to the aim.
  • Begins to consider alternative explanations and applies or extends conclusions to new situations or to identify further studies.
  • Evaluates a range of aspects of the inquiry/investigation, including the relevance and reliability of evidence, and suggests at least two ways of improving the methodology, if repeated.

Presents scientific findings:

  • Communicates effectively in a range of ways, for example, orally and through scientific report writing.
  • Provides supporting evidence and quotes and acknowledges sources with limited assistance

Curriculum Subject Links

  • Overarching themes of Science, Technology and Design

Curriculum Skill Links

  • Listen to and take part in discussions, explanations, role-plays and presentations
  • Contribute comments, ask questions and respond to others’ points of view
  • Communicate information, ideas, opinions, feelings and imaginings, using an expanding vocabulary
  • Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
  • Develop creative and critical thinking in their approach to solving scientific problems
  • Show deeper scientific understanding by thinking critically and flexibly, solving problems and making informed decisions, using
  • Mathematics and ICT where appropriate
  • Work effectively with others

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