Practical resource: Scientific question criteria

This resource details scientific question criteria that can help students design an investigation that will allow them to contribute to scientific knowledge themselves.

By formulating small testable questions, they can then gather evidence to try and answer them.

  • Key Stage: KS3
  • Resource type: research guide
  • Theme: Working scientifically

Working Scientifically Skills

Experimental skills and investigations

  • ask questions and develop a line of enquiry based on observations of the real world, alongside prior knowledge and experience
  • make predictions using scientific knowledge and understanding

Scientific attitudes

  • pay attention to objectivity and concern for accuracy, precision, repeatability and reproducibility

Third Level Scientific Skills

Inquiry and Investigative Skills:

Plans and designs scientific investigations and enquiries:

  • Demonstrates initiative and increasing independence in identifying a number of key questions and in formulating aims, predictions and hypotheses based on information, observations and knowledge.

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