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Discover the incredible stories of life on our planet through powerful photography and expert insight.
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Jess captured the intense focus of this great northern diver parent, a species that usually lays just one to three eggs. With food for its precious chick gripped in its beak, its piercing red eyes stand out from its smart summer plumage.
In the first few days of life, young great northern divers struggle to swallow even small fish. This parent is instead offering its chick a damselfly nymph. Parents lead them into shallow water, where the young birds can pluck small aquatic insects from the lake bottom and underwater vegetation.
Discover the incredible stories of life on our planet through powerful photography and expert insight.
Tickets on sale now.
Born in Vancouver, Canada, Jess spent his childhood hiking and birdwatching with his family throughout the Pacific Northwest. With help from his nature photographer father, his interest in the outdoors grew into a passion for artistically documenting living creatures and dramatic landscapes.
Help us harness the power of photography to advance scientific knowledge, spread awareness of important issues and nurture a global love for nature.